

wolekan 04-22 1次浏览 0条评论




A: Merry Christmas! How are you celebrating today?

B: Merry Christmas to you too! I'm going to spend the day with my family and have a big feast.

A: What are your plans for Christmas this year?

B: I'm going to attend a Christmas party with my friends and exchange gifts.


A: Have you finished your Christmas shopping yet?

B: Not yet. I'm still trying to figure out what to get for my family and friends.

A: I got a new watch as a Christmas gift from my parents. What did you get?

B: My sister gave me a book that I've been wanting to read for a long time.


A: What are some of your family's Christmas traditions?

B: We always decorate our Christmas tree together and bake cookies for Santa Claus.

A: In my country, we have a tradition of singing Christmas carols on Christmas Eve. Do you have any similar traditions?

B: Yes, we usually go to church on Christmas Eve and light candles to celebrate the birth of Jesus.


A: I made a turkey for Christmas dinner. What did you cook?

B: I made a ham and some mashed potatoes. We also had some delicious Christmas cookies for dessert.

A: Have you ever tried eggnog? It's a traditional Christmas drink in the US.

B: No, I haven't. What does it taste like?

A: It's a sweet and creamy drink made with milk, eggs, sugar, and spices. Would you like to try some?

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