首页生活学习介绍你的文具作文英语5句话?英语作文4 5句简单

介绍你的文具作文英语5句话?英语作文4 5句简单

wolekan 01-16 2次浏览 0条评论


介绍你的文具作文英语5句话?英语作文4 5句简单

have a delicate pencil-box, which my father bought for me on a business trip. I like it very much, regard it as my good friend, with its muscles.

I put my pencil-box carefully put my bag, let it go with me to school, together with me in class, listen to the teacher's words. After school, I again to take it home. It is my trusted friend, I often with it say my little secret, my misery.

I have a pencil-box, I love it forever.

英语作文4 5句简单
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