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1. lack

1) v. lack (for) sth lackcourage/money

2) n. 1a lack of money 2for lack

of …因为缺乏...

 3) be   lacking in 缺乏...

2. last

1)adj. the last person/thing 最不可能的、最想不到的

He's the last person I'd trust.

The last thing I want to do  is  homework.

2) adv. last but not least 最后但是同样重要的是

3) n. He was the last to arrive.4)vi.持续 The war lasted(for)3 years.

3. late

1) adj. be late for... in the   late19/0s

2) adv. get up late late in 

the afternoon 傍晚

3) better late than never 迟到总比不到好

It's never too late to mend 亡羊补牢

of late =lately/  recently I haven't seen him of late.

4. lately = recently

5.later adv.

sooner or later

no later than..不迟于 later on 后来

Much later on, she realizes what he had meant.

6. laugh v. laugh at...

laugh your head off 大笑不止 burst out laughing/ burst into laughter

7. law n.

break/obey/ keep the aw by law 依据法律


lay the table 放桌子 lay eggs 下蛋

lay aside 把….放在一边 lay down 放下

5 lay off 解雇 (laid-off 下岗的)


lead a happy life lead to sth. / doing


learn from 从..中学习,向...学习, learn about/ of 听说得知, learn... by heart 记住

11.least adj. at(the) least

not in the least 一点儿也不

She didn't have the least idea what to do about it.12.leave 

1) v.

leave sp.for sp 离开….去... leave +宾语+宾补 leave the door open

leave her waiting for 2 hours leave him out

leave him an orphan 使他成为孤儿

丢下leave sth.+介词短语, leave the key on the bus,

leave out 遗漏 leave 

behind 把..丢在后边

leave alone,不打扰,不碰 leave off 不包括,不把..列入

2) n. 假期 ask for a two-week leave

13. lecture n. attend a lecture

give / deliver a lecture to sb. on...

14.left adj. adv. n.

make a left turn

turn left/ turn to the left

the money left / the remaining money

15.lend a hand to sb./lend sb.a hand

16. length n.

The road was 32 miles in length/ long

at length 最后,终于/详细地17. less than... no less than...

more or less 3even/ much/ still less 更不用说

No explanation was offered, stillless an apology18.lesson n.

take/ have lessons 上课 give lessons 授课

teach/ give sb.a lesson给某人一个教训

draw/ take a lesson from .…. 从...吸取教训


let sb.in/ out 2let sb(sth.) go let go of sb(sth.) 放手..放弃... let alone 不打扰/不碰/更不用说 let out 发出(叫声) let off 使.爆炸

let sb.down 使失望:6let... be 别理某人

20.lie vt.说谎(lied-lied-lying)lie to sb

n.说谎 tell a lie/ tell lies vi.平躺(lay-lain-lying) lie on your back/side


lie in/on/to

The book lay open on the  desk.

There lies...

lie in 在于... 

Success liesin  hard work.

21. life n.

1)生命(pl.lives)lose/save one's life;

lay down one's life for sb. 为..牺牲生命

2)生活everyday life 日常生活; live/ lead a .life

3)bring...back to life 使.更有趣;

come back to life 变得活跃,苏醒过来

22. lift

 1) n. take the lift乘电梯;

give sb. a lift 让某人搭便车

 Passing the exam gave him a real lift. 他通过了考试,情绪好多了。

2)vt.举起:lift one's eyes 抬起眼睛;

He stood there with his hands lifted above his head.

高兴起来:The news lifted oun spirits.


 1) n.光线by the light of the moon;

throw light on/ upon(把..阐述清楚)

灯 turn on/ off the   lights;

The light wentout.灯熄灭了

2)adj. 明亮的,浅色的,轻的

a  light classroom;

 light  blue eyes; as light as a feather; a light / sound sleep

3)vt.(lighted-lighted/lit- lit) lighta candle; a lighted candle; light up

24. like vt. I like it when you do that.

would like(sb.)todo; How do you like(find) ../ What doyou think of/ about...

1) prep.l, like everyone else, have read thesestories.

2) feellike doing

25.Olikely  adj. more~ most

~ a. be~to do/ that 

Tickets are ~ to be expensive. It is more than ~ that the thieves don't know  how much it is worth.

b.a~ story 好像真有这回似的

26.limit n. 界限,限度 vt.限制

a) ~to.…; without limit 无限地 

There is a limit to the amount of pain 1 canbear.

 b) ~sb.to sth/doing sth: My parents limit my pocket money to 300 yuan.

27.line n.线,线路 lines台词 on line 在线的,上网的;drop sb a line给...写封短信

Theline is busy. 电话占线。

 Hold the line,please. 别挂电话

28.link n.

a) There may bea ~ between the 2 murders.

b.) to establish trade ~s with Asia c).avideo/satellite~ d.) 

a ~in the chain

v.a.) ~Ato/ withB ~A and 


The video cameras are ~d to a powerfulcomputer.

The English Tunnel

linksBritainwith the rest of Europe.

B).The 2 factors are directly~ed.

Exposure to ultraviolet (紫外线) light is closely ~ed to skin cancer.

c.) ~ up (with sb/ sth)

Thebands have ~ed up for a charity concert.

29. list n. v. make a list of... 列一个...的清单;list our ten favorite songs(列举)30.Olitter

n.a.) There will be fines to people whodrop~.

b).~ of sth

The floor was covered with a~of newspapers, clothes and empty cups,

v.a.) Piles of books and

newspapers ~edthe floor

Broken glass ~ed thestreet.

b) . be ~ed with sth

Your article is ~ed with spelling mistakes.

31.little-less-least not alittle非常; more than a little 非常 She felt tired and more than a little worried.

Little did I know about him. 我一点也不了解他。

32.live 1) v. 居住,生活 /liv/

live/ lead a …. life; live on 以...为生;live by doing 靠做..为生

live life to the fullest 充实地生活;

live up to 符合,不辜负

live with 与..住在一起;忍受 live through 经历过...而活着

2)adj./adv./laiv/ 活着的,现场直播

a live fish; a live football  match.

1.lack 缺乏,短缺,名词

2.luck 幸运,名词

lucky 幸运的,形容词

3.lose 输,失败,动词

loser 失败者,名词

4.lease 租赁,租契,名词

5.love 爱,动词




美 /ˈlæsoʊ/

英 /læˈsuː; ˈlæsəʊ/





过去式 lassoed

过去分词 lassoed

现在分词 lassoing

第三人称单数 lassoes

复数 lassos 或 lassoes


We put a lot of effort into lassoing the escaping cow.


The peasant went into the cowshed behind the garden with a lasso.


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