

wolekan 04-22 2次浏览 0条评论


She looks like a very demure young lady. 

In the fund she is the softest, sweetest, gentlest lady breathing. 

She has grown into a beautiful young lady.t

She was a warmhearted, generous old lady.

The regal lady had made a deep impression on him. 

She is a lady to the fingertips. 



This is a hard question, to be honest.


  • cute - cute可以用来形容吸引你的,可能是爱情方面的也可能不是爱情方面的感觉。经常出现在形容你很有好感的人的首段。

  • Adorable - 与cute有相同的意思,但是比cute强烈的多。Adore做为动词的时候用来形容对一个人强烈的喜欢和尊敬。
  • Attractive - 是最客看的一个形容一个人有着高格外表的词。不一定和爱情相关。
  • Good-looking - 是一个最普通的用来形容一个人漂亮的词。虽然和attractive一样也不一定与爱情有关,不过要比attractive显得稍微喜欢一些。
  • Beautiful - 是一个最经典的形容一个异性漂亮的词汇。假如称唤一个异性beautiful,那么是会展示出比较强烈的爱意的。并且它不光能表达外在的,还可以表达内在的美。
  • Handsome - 传统意义上来讲是用来形容一位面相出众的男士的。在美国这是个old-word往形容一位男士。good-looking或者cute可能更常用一些。
  • Pretty - 与beautiful类似,但是更倾向于表达外在的美,也不像beautiful那样正式。
  • Gorgeous - 非常强烈地表面外面美对人的吸引程度。多用来形容女人,也可以用来形容男人
  • Lovely - 多用来形容一种优雅地,光艳的美。也可以用来形容物和事。
  • Exquisite - 一种非常精炼地形容美的方式。可以用来形容食物、美酒,而用来形容女性的时候,表达的是一种强烈的美感。
  • Stunning - 惊心动魄的美,让人神魂颠倒的、让人昏倒的美。也能用来形容男性。
  • Foxy - 既能形容女性也可形容男性。比较古典地形容一个人吸引人的漂亮。比较复古。
  • Radiant - 形容一种光艳地,仿佛有着追光灯一般的漂亮。就是她给你的感觉就似乎她一出现,整个世界都被她点亮了的那种美。
  • Sexy - 嗯……信赖你不会考虑的。
  • Hot - 和sexy类似。


  • 进门级:(直接描述,总是用第三人称做主语,语句间转变很少)

She had a shapely figure. Her eyelashes were velvety. Her hair was ebony-black. And she had shiny, halo-white teeth……

  • 学徒级:(主语有转变,转变增多,语句间稍有跳动感,稍微带进个人情感)

She had a sculpted figure which was twine-thin. A set of dazzling, angel-white teeth gleamed as she blew gently on her carmine-red fingernails. It was a pleasure to see her flowing, moon shadow-black hair. Her enticing, constellation-blue eyes gazed at me over her puffy, heart shaped lips……
  • 专家级:(句式更丰盛,个人情感与环境、人物交相辉映)

I first met her on a holiday to an exotic country. The moons delicate light had just turned the world a-flame with silver when I saw her. She had a comely figure which was stem-thin.Her crescent shaped eyebrows inclined slightly as she saw me staring at her. It was love at first light. Her luminous, heavenly-white teeth flashed as she pawed at me with her film star nails. Her hair was a glorious tumble of star beam-gold and her virility-brown eyes set my heart a-thump……
  • 大师级:

Her Amazonian figure sat well on her wafer-thin body. She had a decanter shaped waist and her complexion had an impeccable, ochrous hue. Her pencil-thin eyebrows eased down gently to her black, beetle’s-leg eyelashes. A sculptor could not have fashioned her seraph’s ears and pixie’s nose any better.When she broke into a smile, her beguiling, oyster-white teeth lit up the room. It could jolt you like an electric current when that megawatt smile gave you her full attention. Filed to perfection, her Venus-red fingernails ran through her nougat-brown hair……



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