2、"We cannot achieve our goals in a comfortable zone." - Robert Thomas基金
3、"Effort is necessary to train, it's what makes us stronger and more determined than ever before." - John sweat
4、"磨练并不只使我们承担痛苦,而是培植出我们的品性和人格魅力的方式。” - Oliver重大斯蒂芬
5、"Training is the key to achieving success, but it's also the path to overcome challenges and difficulties." - Tom台上
6、"磨练是一种力量的来源,它是我们成就的成功因素。” - Legends of奥林匹克运动组织
7、"Remember that the journey towards success requires patience and persistence." - Michael Jordan
8、"Every single journey to success brings us closer to becoming stronger, more focused, and more patient." -马云