

wolekan 07-01 2次浏览 0条评论
"Great things take time, but great people don't." - Unknown.,,This quote emphasizes the importance of patience and perseverance in achieving one's goals, which is a fitting theme for an individual's signature.


2. "I am willing to accompany you until the fluctuations on the electrocardiogram turn into flat."

3. "Don't seek fault, but find a solution."

4. "Thank you for what you have. You'll end up having more if you focus on what you don't have."

5. "Happiness and pain are equal parts of life. We should cherish both sides."

6. "Optimism is the faith that leads to success. We should not fear failure but embrace it as an opportunity to grow."

7. "世界很大,但我们可以遇到彼此,这真是个美好的相遇。"

8. "Strive to make every day enjoyable and meaningful. It's for yourself, not for others."

9. "Breaking up is not terrible. It's just that we're afraid to face it head-on and accept it."

10. "The true meaning of love cannot be explained. All I know is that I want him all the time, regardless of whether he's here or not."

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