

wolekan 07-08 2次浏览 0条评论
小学英语中常见的“一问一答”句子,如"Is it going to rain tomorrow?" "What time is it now?"等,可以帮助孩子们提高口语和听力能力。在回答问题时,要确保用正确的语法结构、发音,并保持语言的连贯性和流畅性。也要注意礼貌和准确性,避免使用不当的语言或方言。


1. What is your name? My name is Lucy.你叫什么名字?我叫露西.2. How are you today? Fine,thank you.你今天好吗?很好谢谢.3. How old are you? Five.你几岁?五岁.4. What can you do? 5. Where do you live? 6. How do you usually go to school? 7. How often do you watch TV? 8. What colour is your coat?It is white.9. How many people are there in your family? 10. How old is your father? He is…11. Have you got a pen friend? 12. Who is your best friend? …is my best…13. What is your good friend’s name? 14. Do you have a pet dog?15. What did you do last Sunday? I went to.. 16. Did you go swimming?17. Were you fat when you were a baby? 18. Are there any computers in your classroom? No, there aren’t.19. Are there any big trees in your school?20. Was there a foreign teacher in your school before? Yes, there was.21. Can you jump high? 22. What could you do when you were young? I could swim.23. What is your hobby? 24. Have you got any stamps from England?25. Does your mother like watching TV? 26. What did your mother do yesterday? She had three meals. 27. How many days are there in a week? What are they? 28. How many months are there in a year? What are they?January, February, March , April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, decmber29. What are you doing now? 30. What have you got in your home?31. How many people are there in your family? 32. What time do you often get up?33. What do you usually have for breakfast? I usually have rice and eggs for breakfast. 34. How many seasons are there in a year? What are they? There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.










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