

wolekan 07-08 2次浏览 0条评论

Good evening. Welcome to our restaurant. How many people will be at your table tonight?

Customer: Good evening. We'll have a table for two.

Waiter: Yes, please. Here's your table. Would you like to order drinks first?

Customer 1: I'll have an orange juice, thank you.

Customer 2: And I'd like an iced tea, please.

Waiter: Excellent choices. I'll be back soon with your drinks. Are you ready to order or would you like a few more minutes?

Customer 1: We're ready to order now. We'll have grilled salmon with vegetables.

Customer 2: I'll have the pasta primavera.

Waiter: Very good. And do you have any appetizers or soups tonight?

Customer 1: No, we're good with only the main courses.

Waiter: No problem. My orders will be placed right away. If you need anything else, please let me know.

Enjoy your meal! This simple conversation covers the common scenario of ordering food in a restaurant, including location, placing orders, and finishing up. This dialogue can help improve English language skills.


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