

wolekan 07-13 2次浏览 0条评论


It's bitterly cold and snowing and it's getting dark.

 Night began to fall.

It is the last night of the year --- New Year's Eve. 

There was a little girl who was hurrying across the street in her mother's old slippers. 

She was so frightened that she lost one of her slippers and lost the other to a boy.

 Her feet were red and blue with cold.

She was cold and hungry and sat down to huddle in the corner of a house where she felt colder and her house was as cold as the street.

Her hands were almost frozen,

and she took out a match and struck it against the wall, 

and then a stove appeared in front of her,

 and it was warm and she was about to put her foot in it.

 The stove disappeared and the fire on the match went out.

 She held only the stem of the burnt match in her hand.

She struck another match, and the light fell on the wall, 

which was as transparent as muslin,

 until you could see dishes and fragrant roast duck on the table cloth. Strangely, 

the duck came up to her from the plate, 

staggering with a knife and fork in her back. 

Then the match went out and there was only a thick, 

cold wall in front of her.

She lit another match and this time she sat under the beautiful Christmas tree with thousands of candles burning on its green branches and many little pictures. 

The little girl reached out her hand to the picture and the match went out.

She struck another match, 

and this time, in the light, 

there was her grandmother, 

who loved her, so gentle and loving.

She quickly struck a whole bundle of matches. 

The whole bundle of matches shone like daylight. Grandma had never been so tall and beautiful. Grandma held her in her arms. 

They both flew away in the light of joy, higher and higher, 

to where there was no cold, hunger, or pain.

The next day the sun rose and shone on her frozen body.

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