首页生活学习show great love for 还是show the great love for?

show great love for 还是show the great love for?

wolekan 08-03 2次浏览 0条评论
"Great Love" refers to the extreme feeling of intense affection or adoration for someone, usually shown through actions, words, or behaviors that express deep affection and respect for that person. "Show Great Love" suggests doing something kind or thoughtful towards someone to show your strong feelings of admiration and affection. It could involve acts like giving them thoughtful gifts, being there for them when they need support, or simply spending time with them. Ultimately, both phrases convey a similar message - showing genuine and heartfelt love is important in any relationship.

show great love for 还是show the great love for?

正确的用法是 "show great love for",其中 "great" 是形容词修饰 "love",表达为 "表现出伟大的爱"。
而 "the great love" 中的 "the" 表示特指,表达为 "这个伟大的爱"。
因此,在这个短语中 "the" 是多余的,使用 "show great love for" 是更加常见和简洁的表达方式。


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