首页生活学习It is fun这里fun是形容词吗?

It is fun这里fun是形容词吗?

wolekan 08-10 2次浏览 0条评论

"Is it fun here?" 这里 "fun" 是形容词吗?

"The difference between 'it is funny' and 'it is fun'" 这里 "funny" 是形容词吗?

"The difference between 'it is funny' and 'it is fun'" 这里 "fun" 是形容词吗?

"In terms of usage, the difference between 'it is funny' and 'it is fun'" 这里 "funny" 是形容词吗?

"In terms of usage, the difference between 'it is funny' and 'it is fun'" 这里 "fun" 是形容词吗?

fun可以做形容词和名词分别到底怎么用? 那些让你怀念的动漫你还记得多少?有什么推荐?

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