

wolekan 08-23 2次浏览 0条评论
"Listen carefully in class!"


2. 汉语中"上课认真听讲"怎么翻译?(英语中的表述应为:Be attentive in class, as Chinese often says "listen carefully in class.")

3. 英语中“课堂上认真听讲”可以如何表达?(可以表达为:“Pay attention to what the teacher teaches in class.”)


1. English (the official language of England and the United States), also known as British English, is a widely spoken global language, with over 1.4 billion native speakers worldwide.

2. William Shakespeare's modern English began to flourish during the period when the British Empire occupied and colonized most parts of the world. Many scholars have divided his works into early modern English and late modern English, which were formed around the mid-1800s. With the vast territories controlled by the British Empire, local languages had a significant impact on English development. The likes of John Wycliffe (the translator of the Hebrew Bible), Samuel Johnson (the editor of the first comprehensive dictionary), and William Shakespeare (a famous playwright and poet) are among those who contributed significantly to the spread of English.

3. When asked "What does it mean to pay attention in class?" in English, we might say "Be attentive in class, as Chinese often says 'listen carefully in class.'". This translation conveys the same meaning as the original statement.


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