

wolekan 10-19 2次浏览 0条评论
在境外购物时,中国游客应选择使用具有国际信誉和良好服务的信用卡。建议优先考虑 Visa、Mastercard 和 American Express 等品牌的高端信用卡,它们通常具备更高的安全性和信用额度。可以咨询当地银行或商家关于优惠信息,以获得更多的福利。保持良好的个人卫生习惯,避免携带大量现金,有助于提高购物体验并减少损失。

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What is the best way for Chinese tourists to shop abroad with non-dollar currency?

To use non-US dollar currency for overseas shopping, it's recommended to use credit cards issued by UnionPay (also known as ChinaUnion). This method allows you to make purchases using UnionPay POS machines in various countries across Asia and Europe. UnionPay POS machines are more prevalent in these regions, making them suitable for non-US dollar transactions.

In terms of security concerns, it's advisable to carry at least two credit cards with you, especially a debit card that has sufficient funds. This ensures that even if your credit card is lost or stolen, there is still an option to pay with cash.

A double-currency card, which includes both VISA and MasterCard, can simplify your travel experience by allowing you to use either currency in the foreign country without needing to switch between them. This makes it easier to manage your finances while on vacation.

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