

wolekan 11-06 2次浏览 0条评论


**Modified Paragraph:

University girls tend to have relatively high levels of makeup usage, though some males also do so. In my current university environment, the makeup rate among students is approximately 90%, with a higher percentage in art classes where it reaches up to 95%. The proportion of students who wear makeup daily or at least once a week varies widely.

In terms of personal preferences, most girls appreciate the ability to enhance their appearance through makeup. However, there are instances when a simple, natural look might be more appropriate, especially for those with average looks and low self-confidence. My suggestion is that if you're interested in pursuing a career or engaging with potential romantic partners or acquaintances, maintaining a professional and confident appearance is advisable.

In addition to enhancing your appearance, it's important to consider your overall image and how it reflects your personality and values. Many people believe that having a beautiful appearance is crucial, and having a good sense of style can make all the difference in attracting attention and establishing a positive impression.

Ultimately, I hope this response provides you with some valuable insights into the world of makeup and its impact on your personal and professional life.

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