

wolekan 06-23 1次浏览 0条评论





Section A

1. A) He forgot to bring his ticket.

2. B) He is not satisfied with the performance.

3. C) The woman can join the speaker's team.

4. A) At a friend's house.

5. C) Prepare for their exam.

6. A) The man has helped the woman many times.

7. D) It is not raining now.

8. A) Attend a job interview.

9. B) He is busy working on his magazine.

10.B)Start writing a paper.

Section B

11. A) The expertise of the interviewer.

12. A) Whether the man can speak Chinese.

13. D) He has never been interviewed before.

14. B) Sit in the front row.

15. D) The influence of music on brain development.

16. C) Play video games.

17. A) To show his appreciation for the woman's help.

18. C) Visit her uncle next week.

19. B) She doesn't like football.

20. C) He will attend a lecture before the meeting.


Passage One

21. C) Its negative effects on the environment.

22. D) It leads to the emission of carbon dioxide.

23. A) It can be converted into clean energy.

24. B) They are rich in organic matter.

25. C) It helps to reduce the amount of waste.

Passage Two

26. C) They are more likely to engage in unhealthy behaviors.

27. D) They have a tendency to procrastinate.

28. A) Encouraging them to socialize more.

29. C) To help them identify their goals.

30. B) The gap between their aspirations and their achievements.

Passage Three

31. A) The importance of emotional intelligence.

32. D) They lack the ability to understand their own feelings.

33. B) It is a crucial factor in one's success.

34. C) It can be learned and developed.

35. A) They can be easily influenced by their emotions.


Part I

36. Some people argue that schools should offer more courses to develop students’ practical skills, while others maintain that academic knowledge is more important. In my opinion, it is necessary for schools to offer more courses to develop students’ practical skills.

Part II

38. Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In you essay, you should

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and

3) give your comments.

You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

The drawing depicts a scene where a person is handling a bomb. The bomb is seen as a time bomb, with the clock ticking away. The figure in the drawing seems to be in a dilemma and unsure as to what to do.

The intended meaning behind the drawing is that many people are faced with situations where they have to make difficult decisions. Sometimes, making the wrong choice can have severe consequences. Just like the bomb in the drawing, time is ticking away and the person has to make the right decision before it is too late.

In my opinion, this drawing is a powerful message. It teaches us that we need to think carefully before making any decisions. We should weigh the pros and cons before taking any action. Making the wrong choice can be disastrous, while making the right choice can lead to success.

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