

wolekan 04-12 1次浏览 0条评论
1、用英语介绍四川? 用英语介绍四川?

写做构想 :介绍一下四川的美景,再阐明 一下四川的天文位置等等,中心要明白,要制止语法利用错误等等。


Sichuan, or Sichuan for short, is one of China's 23 provinces and its capital Chengdu.


Located in the southwest of China, Sichuan is known as the "hometown of pandas". Jiuzhaigou has beautiful scenery. You can not only enjoy the spectacular waterfalls, but also see the pandas. After you return to Chengdu, you can also fly to Chongqing for sightseeing. If you are interested, you can also browse and buy things in Wuhan.

四川位于中国的西南部,以‘熊猫的故土’闻名 。九寨沟光景美,在那里不只能够赏识到壮看 的瀑布,并且能够看到熊猫,返回成都后,你还能够乘飞机到重庆看 光、旅游。假设 有兴致的话,还能够到武汉阅读、买工具。

The landform of Sichuan is different from the landform of the Chinese mainland. It is located in the transition zone between the first grade Qinghai Tibet Plateau and the third grade middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in the three great staircases of the mainland of China. The height difference is very high. The terrain is characterized by the High West and the East, and is composed of hills, hills, plains, basins and highlands.

四川省地貌工具差别大,地形复杂多样,位于中国大陆地势三大阶梯中的第一级青躲 高原和第三级长江中下流平原的过渡地带,高差悬殊,地势呈西高东低的特征 ,由山地、丘陵、平原、盆地和高原构成。

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