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What's the English Name for "iTouch 5" and "iTouch 5 Dragon"?

wolekan 10-07 1次浏览 0条评论

The iTouch 5 is a popular handheld device that is widely used by people of all ages. It is designed to be a portable entertainment center, with features that allow users to listen to music, watch videos, play games, and access the Internet. In addition, the iTouch 5 has a sleek design, making it a stylish accessory for those who want to stay connected on-the-go.

What's the English Name for "iTouch 5" and "iTouch 5 Dragon"?

When it comes to the iTouch 5 Dragon, it is essentially the same as the regular iTouch 5, but with a unique dragon design on the back cover. The dragon design is a popular choice among those who want to add a touch of personality to their iTouch 5.

In terms of English names, the iTouch 5 is sometimes referred to simply as the "iPod Touch 5th Generation," as it is part of the iPod family of devices. However, since the term "iPod" is commonly associated with music players, many people also use the name "iTouch 5" to refer to this device.

As for the iTouch 5 Dragon, the dragon design is not an official name for the product, but rather a reference to the design on the back cover. Therefore, it is still commonly referred to as the iTouch 5, with the added descriptor of "dragon edition."

Overall, whether you call it the iTouch 5 or the iPod Touch 5th Generation, this device is a versatile and popular choice for those who want to stay connected and entertained on-the-go.

itouch 5
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