

wolekan 09-04 1次浏览 0条评论
  1. 指向的英语单词?
  2. 木兰天池英文介绍?



The signpost points in a westerly direction.路标指向西

direct the spearhead at sb矛头指向某人

She pointed at the chimney她指向了烟囱

A compass needle points north.罗盘指针指向北方。

The clock read 12:00 The clock read 12:00

positive sense 正指向

fall on 指向

They will both fall in love 他们可能坠进爱河


 Mulan Great Lake

I have never been more anxious in my life.We walked as fast as we can so that we could down the hill and get to the hotel before the sun went down.Now,as we watched the frightful cave,we realized that our frustration had only just begun.

A classmate of mine and I took a trip to the Mulan Great Lake during May holiday.This was our first visit to this place,and nothing was familiar.The sun was setting when we reach the top of the mountain.In order to arrive at the hotel before dark, we decided to go down the hill at once.A signpost indicated a downhill way for us.We walked along this road for a long time.We have no idea where we are and how long it will take us to get to the bottom of the mountain.

Signpost(键盘按键展示工具) V1 0 官方版 下载 当下软件园
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