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用英语介绍一种音乐流派?IndieVolume破解版IndieVolume(程序音量单独控制软件) V3

wolekan 09-27 1次浏览 0条评论


用英语介绍一种音乐流派?IndieVolume破解版IndieVolume(程序音量单独控制软件) V3

Shoegaze is a sub-genre of indie rock(独立摇滚) and alternative rock(另类摇滚) that emerged in the United Kingdom in the late 1980s. Its sound is characterized by an ethereal(轻飘的) mixture of obscured(模糊的) vocals, guitar distortion(吉他失真) and effects(音效), feedback and overwhelming volume.

IndieVolume破解版IndieVolume(程序音量单独把握软件) V3
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