

wolekan 11-06 2次浏览 0条评论




  关家不依不饶,请律师将韩春明告上了法庭。法庭上破烂侯和孟小枣出庭作证,证实关大爷临终之前多次表达 他死后将他的遗物留给韩春明。韩春明没有到庭,他的代理律师此时却拿出韩春明1封亲笔信,信上写到,只要破烂侯和孟小枣出庭作证,他1律不予承认。韩春明不认为关大爷的财产留给他,这让法庭惊诧不已。当审判长让被告出示关大爷的遗书,韩春明的代理律师却说,他的代理人从来就没有拿过遗书。关小关在法庭上良心受到了谴责,当庭决定撤诉。可是,关小关的父母并不死心,决定以他们的名义再次起诉。

Zhengyangmenxia episode 21 plot introduction

Guan family does not give way, please lawyer will Han Chunming sued the court. In court, tattered Hou and Meng Xiaozao testified that before Guan died, he said many times that he would leave his belongings to Han Chunming after his death. Han Chunming didn't go to court, his lawyer at this time but took out a letter from Han Chunming, the letter wrote, as long as the tattered Hou and Meng Xiaozao testify, he will not admit it. Han Chunming didn't think Guan's property was left to him, which surprised the court. When the presiding judge asked the defendant to show Uncle Guan's suicide note, Han Chunming's lawyer said that his agent never took the suicide note. Guan Xiaoguan's conscience was condemned in court, and the court decided to withdraw the case. However, Guan Xiaoguan's parents didn't give up and decided to sue again in their name.

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