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1、2019-08-22 2、有没丰年过30岁,还天天 玩DOTA2的人? 3、什么买了就不差什么 2019-08-22

Esports, as one of the fastest-growing industries in the world, has rapidly gained fans and an audience thanks to streaming services such as Twitch and several significant esports tournaments, such as the League of Legends World Championship, CS:GO Majors, and Dota 2 ’s The International (TI).

电子竞技做为世界上开展最为迅猛的一个财产,已经敏捷获得了大量的粉丝和看 寡,而那要回 功于好比twitch一类的流媒体办事以及许多重要的电竞赛事好比LOL世界赛,CS:GO的major以及DOTA2的国际邀请赛。

While fans, participants, and sponsors have a passion for these larger-than-life esports events, there are groups of people whose only love is in making fast money. When it comes to this year’s The International, there is no one with more to gain than scalpers (people who either buy tickets in bulk or counterfeit them to resell at a higher price) and the organizations that are working with them to make money through questionable means.


In this article, The Esports Observer takes a closer look at how these scalpers managed to buy so many tickets meant for TI fans and how the lack of real authority and oversight affected the highest prize money tournament in esports history.

在本文中,电竞看 察者会近间隔看 察那些黄牛到底是若何买到那么多本应该提赐与 TI粉丝的门票,以及权势巨子和监管的欠缺 对那电竞汗青上奖金更高的赛事带来的影响。


Recently, the esports industry in China welcomed the $33M USD The International to Shanghai. Between August 20-25, 16 professional esports teams will compete at Shanghai Mercedes-Benz Arena, and 18,000 attendees will witness this highest prize money tournament in the history of esports each day.

比来,中国的电竞业迎来了在上海举办的总奖池高达3300万美圆的Dota2国际邀请赛(以下简称TI)。在8月20-25日,16收职业战队会在上海梅赛德斯奔跑文化中心,在18000名看 寡的见证下,争夺电竞史上的更高奖金。

Some TI9 attendees paid an incredibly high price to get into the event by buying tickets directly from scalpers. Even some attendees who bought tickets for the official price reported that Damai, the exclusive Chinese ticket sales platform of the event, switched their tickets with lower viewing experience seats (typically seats in the upper rows, or “nosebleed” sections of the venue).

有一些来看TI9的看 寡从黄牛手上花了天价才买到门票出场。更过火的是,有一些从官方独家门票售卖商大麦手上买到正价门票的看 寡声称他们的门票被换到了看 赛体验较差的区域(出格 是换到了更高处的看台席位,或者是那种需要抬起头来看 赛的区域)

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article class="jeg_post jeg_pl_xs_4 post-66300 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-all category-asia category-business category-china category-features category-market-comp category-sponsorships-and-partnerships tag-asia tag-auto-chess tag-chevrolet tag-china tag-china-esports-recap tag-cpac tag-dota-2 tag-harbin-brewery tag-invictus-gaming tag-japan tag-knives-out tag-lab-series tag-lgd-gaming tag-mq tag-netease tag-perfect-world tag-psg-lgd tag-pubg tag-pubg-mobile tag-rng tag-royal-never-give-up tag-steam tag-the-international-2019 tag-xy-gaming" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px 0px 10px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font: inherit; vertical-align: baseline; display: block;"


figcaption id="caption-attachment-66351" class="wp-caption-text" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 3px 0px 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-style: inherit; font-variant: inherit; font-weight: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; font-size: 12px; line-height: inherit; font-family: inherit; vertical-align: baseline; display: block; color: rgb(160, 160, 160); text-align: center;"Pictured: Scalpers showing off their bulk tickets. Credit: Shanghai Morning Post/figcaption

Unlike previous TI events hosted in countries such as the United States, Canada, and Germany, this is the first time the event has come to China, and also the first time that there has been a problem with the way tickets have been sold. These problems helped scalpers to buy and sell bulk tickets with ease:



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In the previous TI, the ticket was actually a badge made of plastic. Due to the event using paper instead of plastic this year, scalpers have found it easier to secretly carry these tickets in and around the arena, and sell them to fans. In addition, it is easy to make counterfeit tickets. For fans, badges are more commemorative and harder (but not entirely impossible) to counterfeit.

在先前的TI中,门票其实是塑料造造 的胸牌。而因为今年用纸量票替代塑料材量门票,黄牛发现将门票照顾至场馆四周 而且售卖给粉丝们更为便当 了。除此之外,仿造门票也更为随便 了。而关于粉丝而言,胸牌更具有纪念意义,同时也更难以仿造(但也不是完全不成能)

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Pictured: an online re-selling platform priced the tickets based on seat locations. Credit: Mo Tianlun

图示:在线门票倒卖平台摩天轮根据 位置标注的门票价格

In every stadium, there are places with the best and worst viewing experiences. At the previous TI, seats were random, so that attendees are not able to choose where they want to sit to make the purchase fair and to keep tickets at a reasonable price. But this time, seat numbers are on the tickets, which allows scalpers to set pricing specifically based on the seat location. As the above picture shows, the second-floor tickets are higher than fifth-floor tickets, and more front-facing to the stage with a higher price point.

在每一个场馆,城市有最差以及更佳看 赛体验的位置。而先前的TI中,座位是随机的,所以看 寡们其实不可以抉择 他们的座次,进而包管了票务购置的公允性以及一个合理的价位。但那一次,座位号是印在门票上的,那就使得黄牛能够根据 位置订价。正如上面图片所示,二层的座位价格是要高于五层的,同时更正对主舞台的位置也会有一个更高的价位。

figcaption id="caption-attachment-66354" class="wp-caption-text" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 3px 0px 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-style: inherit; font-variant: inherit; font-weight: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; font-size: 12px; line-height: inherit; font-family: inherit; vertical-align: baseline; display: block; color: rgb(160, 160, 160); text-align: center;"Picture: Damai is in potential partnering with scalper organizations in TI9, Credit: Shanghai Morning Post/figcaption

大麦很可能同黄牛在TI9门票售卖上狼狈为奸 图源:上海新闻晨报

More dramatically, some attendees who bought tickets reported that Damai switched their tickets for improper trading. “The ticket number on the ticket is not the one I received in my order receipt,” one attendee named Miss Gao told The Esports Observer.

更戏剧化的是,有一些看 寡举报大麦网出于不合理交易的动机掉包了他们的门票。“门票上的编码同我订单数据中给出的编码是纷歧致的”一位名为高蜜斯的看 寡告诉TEO

The Shanghai Morning Post , a Shanghai government-backed newspaper, printed an entire page reporting that Damai is in a possible partnership with scalper organizations. One scalper told the Shanghai Morning Post that Damai is cooperating with “big” scalpers and that they hold most of the second-floor tickets. Either Perfect World and Damai (both involved in facilitating ticket sales in China for TI) have not made official comments at the time of writing.


充满 争议的特权码

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During the ticket sale dates in May , Valve announced a new rule in order to prevent scalping. Dota 2 players who owned a Battle Pass or an active Dota Plus subscription could receive an Early Access Code, which gave the holder a one-hour early head start to purchase a ticket after the opening sale time. Bad internet connections were common during the ticket sales process, and a number of Chinese programmers (as reported on multiple Chinese outlets ) warned that the ticket system had a serious security hole that scalpers could use to develop third-party applications to bypass the process of typing in an Early Access Code. This helped scalpers get a few seconds ahead of Early Access customers to purchase a bunch of tickets. As of this writing, Perfect World and Damai have not made any official comments on these issues.

在蒲月门票售卖的时候,V社公布 了一个新的规定以避免黄牛行为。任何拥有Dota2TI9小簿本或者曾购置过Dota Plus的玩家都能够收到一个优先购置码,那个码能够给持有者提早一小时购置门票的权力。在购票过程中,蹩脚的收集是一个常态,同时有许多中国的法式员警告声称购票系统存在严峻的平安破绽,以致于黄牛们能够通过运用第三方插件的体例绕过特权码输进 的环节夺 先购票,而那一破绽搀扶帮助 黄牛在特权码持有玩家面前夺 跑了数秒,进而买走了大量的门票。但在本文创做期间,完美世界以及大麦网都还未就此事做出任何官方回应。

Sources close to Perfect World told The Esports Observer that


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At the time of writing, no one from game publisher Valve , Chinese Dota 2 distributor Perfect World , or ticket selling platform Damai have made any comments on the ticket scalping situation or taken responsibility. When faced with similar issues, Tencent and Riot Games made a number of decisions to make sure that tickets are sold fairly for its events.

在本文写做期间,没有任何一条来自Dota2开发商V社的,或者是来自国内运营商完美世界,或者是票务售卖平台大麦就票务倒卖现象做出评论或表白承担责任。而面临类似问题时,腾讯以及拳头公司却做出了一系列决定以确保旗下的赛事门票售卖是公允公允 的。

On July 22 , TJ Sports, a joint venue of Tencent and Riot Games, announced ticket purchasing rules for its* League of Legends *Pro League (LPL). All tickets have to be purchased by using a Chinese national ID-card, and attendees need to bring their own national ID-cards and a corresponding ticket to the venue. For the non-Chinese audience, attendees will require a passport and a ticket.

在6.22日,腾竞体育,一家由腾讯以及拳头公司配合投资运营的公司,公布 针对其旗下LPL(英雄联盟职业联赛)的门票购置,必需运用身份证明名购置,且购票者需照顾购票时相一致的身份证凭票进 场。而关于外国看 寡,则需要护照以及对应门票。

Scalpers told The Esports Observer that the final two-day tickets of TI9 are ¥7K-10K RMB ( 1.4K USD) each, and elimination two-day tickets are ¥1.5K ( 298) for the August 24-25 two-day ticket, and ¥250 ( 993- 298),周中裁减赛门票¥250 ($35)天天 。

Sources close to the TI participating teams told The Esports Observer that each team only has 20 VIP tickets for its staff, sponsor leaders, and players’ families.

根据 TI参赛步队的内部动静称,每一收战队共有20张VIP票提赐与 他们的员工,赞助商以及选手家属。

For example, esports team PSG.LGD has ten sponsors, including Betway , HLA Jeans , Monster Energy , and China Citic Bank Credit Card. Tong “CU” Xin, the CEO of esports organization Newbee , who recently acquired the full roster of Forward Gaming to attend TI this year , joked to The Esports Observer that VIP tickets are incredibly high priced on the scalper market.

好比说,PSG.LGD共有10家赞助商,包罗必威电竞,黑鲸,魔爪饮料以及中信信誉卡。比来收买了FWD全数人马的Newbee战队CEO佟鑫调侃VIP票在黄牛市场上的价格可是相当 的高。

(*Editor note: VIP tickets are not available for purchase by the public, but can be bought from scalpers with a minimum price ¥15K ( 2.12K)的价格买到最末决赛的门票。

In the esports industry, young people are the major players and customers; most of them are students, and highly unlikely to afford hundreds to thousands of dollars to buy tournament tickets.


“For those who didn’t successfully purchase and [are] not able to afford tickets, they should blame themselves. [they are not quick to purchase and they don’t have money],” a scalper said, “We don’t know Dota 2 or esports, but all our tickets were collected from multiple individual customers, including poor students. In some ways, we are helping them to get a better life. Does Dota 2 give them money?”


It’s reasonable that when the ticket price broke a significant point, some purchasers would sell their tickets to scalpers. In some ways, in this scenario, everyone could become a scalper without an authoritative body to make some rules on what a ticket buyer can do with a ticket after purchase.

当票价到达了一个很惊人的数额之后,一些购置者会将本身手上的票出给黄牛其实是合情合理的。那种情状 下,其实人人都有可能是黄牛,因为没有一个官方指定例则限造门票的二次出卖。

In addition, there are a few customers who reported that they got cheated by scalpers who sold them fake tickets. Ultimately the only people who get hurt by scalpers and the mismanagement of tickets sales are consumers who can’t get access to a ticket at a reasonable price, and who might find themselves out in the cold when they realize the ticket they bought is counterfeit. Valve and Perfect World may also take a hit to their reputations in the long run, for the way ticket sales were managed.

除此之外,还有一些消费者检举声称他们被卖伪钞的黄牛骗了。而最末实正因为黄牛和票务治理 失当而遭到损害 的人们有且仅有那些无法以一个合理价格购置到门票的消费者们,还有那些心凉到冰窖底的发现本身买的是伪钞的玩家。V社和完美从久远角度来看也有可能因为他们蹩脚的票务治理 而在名望 上受损。

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TI is a classic esports tournament series which uses a crowdfunding system to generate revenue for the total prize pool. This year, TI surpassed 1.6M of that prize money was provided by Valve. As the only esports tournament series to take the crown of “highest prize money in esports history,” TI9 generated 94.2M was earned by Valve due to only 25% of Battle Pass purchases being added into that prize pool.

TI是一项运用寡筹系统为总奖池增添筹码的典范电竞赛事。本年的TI超越了3300万美圆的奖金额,而此中仅有160万源自V社。做为仅有的一项戴着“电竞史上更高奖金赛事”王冠的电竞角逐,TI9本年从社区中通过虚拟产物的售卖产生了3140万美圆的奖金,而9420万美圆却落进 了V社的腰包,因为仅有25%的互动指南销售额会被添加进最末的总奖池中。

TI only has partnerships with NVIDIA’s GeForce gaming/hardware brand and Secretlab as its official chair provider, so in many ways, the Dota 2 community is the “main sponsor” of The International.

TI只和NVIDIA’s GeForce 那家硬件厂商有贸易协做 ,同时将Secretlab列为其官方电竞椅的供给商,所以从各方面来看,整个Dota2社区才是TI的“次要赞助商”

有没丰年过30岁,还天天 玩DOTA2的人?

81年,39岁,不抽烟不饮 酒偶尔 运动体重终年140多斤。手艺岗身世,带研发团队,升职治理 不变运营后。跑大老远网吧刀两把,输的跟狗一样,仍是乐此不疲。不敢在办公室玩,怕部属晓得,工做空间和 娱乐 空间必然要分隔。不敢在家四周 网吧玩,家小区孩子都长大了,怕被看到后成背面案例。不克不及让助手和部属晓得一个40岁中年人工做之余还玩dota2。老输戾气重,偶尔 念念经调整一下。因为玩 游戏 消耗身体,所以每周对峙有氧登山运动无论冬夏。曾经沉浸海钓5年,后来因杀生有违崇奉而舍弃 垂钓,鱼圈人多长短多,不如 游戏 简单地道。我玩dota2最次要原因是减压,排遣积压的负面,喜好345号位,斯温控,等斯温能上角逐等了6年,32岁摆布就干了680来局斯温,他人把dota2当匹敌性 游戏 ,我当一个生长类rpg 游戏 往 玩他。如今喜好在低分局控人心,哪怕输了也乐此不疲,老年组玩家忽悠年轻人farm后拆逼膨胀然后灌注贯注战斗思惟很有趣。别的,我玩dota2更大的才能是对喷喷子,庇护队友。

过了30岁还在天天玩 游戏 ?


玩 游戏 跟年龄其实并没有太大的关系

我如今24岁,我还在玩 游戏 ,不外我也不觉得我过了30就不会玩了,因为 游戏 早就是我生活中的一部门了,就像有人喜好看书,你觉得30之后他就不会看书了嘛?

可能有人觉得玩 游戏 颓丧本身,其实并没有,相反我本身有着一份还算不错的工做,玩 游戏 只是一种兴致 喜好,当然也有很多人在 游戏 里面丢失了本身.也有人靠着玩 游戏 进步了生活.怎么说呢, 游戏 是生活的调味剂,但它不是生活的全数

玩 游戏 高兴最重要了,没有需要过往 的往 逃求 游戏 里的一些工具, 游戏 也是人生一位不错的小伙伴,从童年起头它就不断在身边了不是嘛?

高兴 游戏 ,认实生活!

应该没有吧,事实 DOTA上了年纪的都成婚了。只能日常平凡存眷下DOTA2的角逐。青春都已经回不往 了。曾经一块开黑的兄弟们也全都成家立业了,收进 不变。顶多每年ti的时候凑在一路玩一玩,看看角逐。不像lol受寡群表现在根本仍是20岁摆布,等第一批玩lol的玩家30了,那个问题把DOTA换成lol其实是一样的,都是一代人的青春回忆。不外玩DOTA我实的学会了良多,才能越大责任越大,每个角色都不是负担,辅助会为了成功给大哥做眼挡枪破雾,有人负责抗压,有的英雄需要隐忍,有的英雄团控要找更好的时机,还记得一人被gank四本tp同时亮起。也记得被破三路死守到底永不舍弃 。所以,DOTA是就是我的青春。




哈哈哈哈,我34岁了,本年诡计 不玩了,成果出了自走棋,然后你懂的!哈哈哈哈哈哈!如今看什么英雄都觉得不是三星的吗?哈哈


为了取证,我还特意输进 了:我是六帝筹谋(公司名)。

一名玩dota2多年的老年选手,往 年为了好好玩 游戏 ,还买了外星人主机。不外仍是菜得飞起。传奇选手一名。

比来一个月特殊 忙,加上因为挂机被关小黑屋了,不断出不来,痛快就戒了。

原来诡计 买ti9门票往 上海爽一波的,成果就是各人晓得的,3秒门票被夺 完。悲催。

往 年炎天在做完肾结石手术后,也迎来了旺季。


游戏 有赢有输,可是我不平。


在炎炎夏季,心绪 起伏,已经out of control。

加之小手术后也是需要休养的,所以就招致了身体不温馨 。回看往 年的照片,觉得比过往的精神都要差,也重了10斤。

82年老鸟,刚进 手Y7000工做之余D无聊时两把挺好的!

我呀 31了没重要的事就玩 时不时一玩一天 年纪大了 没队友了 跟小伙子们又混不到一路 就找手艺好的陪玩蜜斯姐 一小时50-70块 玩的也不错啊

72年的,退休了,玩dota2 2年了,天天 6小时。实喜好,找回年轻的觉得!


在我们的生活中,每时每刻都在买买买,不外什么工具是买了之后不会懊悔 的工具呢,什么工具十分值得一买,八宝网小编就来说说值得一买的不会懊悔 的工具选举 吧。

买过最不懊悔 的工具是什么

口罩 手机 airpods 双十一买的书 周杰伦的演唱会门票 洗碗机洗碗机洗碗机!

雅思实题 帮我雅根究 了合格分数 申请到了梦校

最不懊悔 买画材,虽然它们实的很贵,但是值得

可能就是战争 助农那些农产物吧,很正能量的工作~

专辑 买买买不懊悔 钱不重要 专辑才是实爱


我家有个很久的电扇,然后扇叶坏了 ,那年炎天我在某宝花了十几块钱,买了一个扇叶换上,又用了良多年。其时我觉得 我tm实是个小灵敏 鬼


各人能觉得买到的不懊悔 的工具都长短常的刚需的工具,简单的说就是必需品,或者是买了就是赚到的工具,不外还有一种就是为本身的偶像花钱也是一种值得,有的人表达 跟本身的偶像买专辑实的是很划算的工作了,有人表达 能夺 到前排的偶像的演唱会座位能够说是超赞了,那些关于各人来说就长短常不懊悔 买的工具了。

飞利浦的电动牙刷:电动牙刷翻开了新世界的大门,我如今已经完全离不开了,往 哪里都要带着它(固然觉得有点费事)。就是刷头有点贵,三四十一收,我一般都是等双11或618囤一点。

邓禄普的乳胶枕:我以前对乳胶枕也不伤风,但是用过之后觉得实香,比通俗枕头不晓得高到哪里往 了。还有,网上有良多“泰国乳胶枕”,但是其实乳胶枕的发源地是欧洲,泰国只是原素材 好,造造 工艺其实不太行。所以我就选了那个欧洲的牌子。

樱桃的机械键盘:买一把Cherry是我多年以来的愿看 ,如今末于实现了。比拟条记本那种又软键程又短的键盘,用机械键盘打字玩游戏几乎就是享受。假设 是在家或者单人宿舍,强烈定见 青轴,那声音实的太好听了。

Ti9的门票:决赛票原价2099元,最初被黄牛炒到了七八千,但我仍是没卖。往 现场看了Dota2最顶尖的角逐,对我那个Dotaer来说已经没有什么遗憾了。

小米电视:最不懊悔 的应该就是家里的电视了,那是我人生操纵率更高的工具,日常平凡在家不管干什么城市开着电视 于是预约了一个小米98寸的电视,期看 能夺 到

国庆烟花几点起头 蒸豌豆渣的做法大全

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