1、The comedy masterpiece directed by Stanley Kubrick (2009)
2、功夫 (2004) directed by Stephen Chow
3、谍影重重 (2007) directed by Paul Greengrass
4、逃学威龙 (1992) directed by Wong Kar-wai
5、爆笑虎 (1994) directed by程立峰
6、非诚勿扰 (2008) directed by冯小刚
7、美人鱼 (2016) directed by Stephen Chow
8、超时空同居 (2018) directed by苏伦
9、我不是药神 (2018) directed by Wen Cheng Huang
10、羞耻铁拳 (2017) directed by Wang Xiaoyu
And here are a few explosive films:
1、Wolf II -吴京主演的《狼勇士2》在被“开除军籍”的情况下,卷入了一场非洲国家的叛乱,面对军人的使命和责任感,他毅然放弃了安全撤离,选择了保护侨民和同胞,他用国旗开路,配合国家军队撤离侨民,面对危机,吴京在剧中扮演的冷锋拿出国旗,最终带着同胞安全离开,这一情节最令人震惊,展示了祖国的力量和国际影响力。
2、Marvel Cinematic Universe's "The American队长" and "复仇者联盟" series are very popular films with excellent visual effects and intense fight scenes. They are also表面只是科幻小说的战斗, but they actually convey the sense of responsibility and使命感, as well as heroes.
3、由古天乐、甄子丹、刘德华等人主演的警匪片和武侠片都非常精彩, fights are very violent, giving users a very good visual experience. For example, Jin Zhang's "叶问", "Wong Kar-wai's "精武风云", "Jin Zhang's "叶问" etc., Bao De song's "追龙", "扫毒2", and "Huang Xiaoyu's other films are very good. Finally, I hope my answer can help you. Thank you.